Train Your SubConscious for Money
Train Your SubConscious for Money
Money holds an important role in our life. It defines how successful you are financially. To earn money, you just can’t depend on your actions and capabilities, rather you need to get aligned with the powerful beliefs about money and identify yourself as a wealthy person to start the journey for making big money. Some of the hidden subconscious secrets that you need to know.
Course Curriculum
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after you enroll
Money & Wealth Abundance Workshop
Available in
after you enroll
StartIntroduction (16:43)
StartExercise: Igniting Super Internal Concentration (31:22)
StartInternal Resources for Money (14:05)
StartHow to change internal resources for Money (17:47)
StartConscious & Unconscious Mind (6:31)
StartAs IF Rule for Money (32:48)
StartCreating a Rich & Wealthy YOU (19:46)
StartExercise: Creating a Rich & Wealthy You (44:20)
StartPoint of View For Money (4:57)
StartAchieve Big in Life: Create Outcome (48:33)
StartOutcome: Positive, Specific, Evidence, Resources (34:59)
StartOutcome: Identify with Your Dreams (19:05)
StartOutcome: Ecology (17:53)
StartContrastive Analysis for Money (11:46)
StartExercise: Contrastive Analysis for Money (19:23)
StartExercise: Creating a Successful ‘I’ (30:35)
StartOutcome: Control, Chunk Down, Flexibility, Act (21:27)
StartOutcome: Revision (21:24)
StartMoney Spoilers & Money Generators (25:12)
StartAsking Powerful Questions (9:58)
StartWhat is Goal, Outcome, Target & Mission (3:07)
StartSix Human Needs (14:04)
StartExercise: Neuro Logical Alignment for Money (62:14)
StartExercise: Walt Disney Creative Exercise for Money (15:58)
StartExercise: Walt Disney Creative Exercise for Money (22:47)
StartRemove Past Failure/ Painful Memories (13:07)
StartExercise: Changing Beliefs About Money (37:13)
Start10 Most Limiting Beliefs About Money (37:13)
StartCore Beliefs of Millionaire (51:27)
StartExplore Your Relationship With Money (6:38)
StartExercise: Explore Your Relationship With Money (19:40)
StartPersonal Audit (23:28)
StartExercise: Redesign Your Past (27:39)
StartExercise: Redesign Your Future (23:11)
Bonus Videos
Available in
after you enroll
StartExplore Deep Creativity (26:30)
StartNeuro Logical Alignment For Money (55:28)
StartMoney Beliefs (39:39)
StartContrastive Analysis (16:29)
StartCore Principle of Becoming Wealthy (36:56)
StartMoney Past Treasure (22:04)
StartPart Integration for Money (20:54)
StartMoney Outcome (61:27)
StartPersonal Audit for Money (23:26)
StartDelete Pattern of Past Failure (16:07)
StartBuild Brighter Future (32:22)
StartGathering Information (15:33)
StartExploring New Point of View (18:53)
StartRe-Create Money Mindset (21:24)
Your Instructor
Ram Verma is an author, Entrepreneur and Master NLP Mind & Wellness coach. He has a vast experience in resolving human issues such as Anxiety, Depression, psychosomatic diseases and other mental issues with the help of NLP Subconscious Reimprinting.