Student Memory Mastery

Learn Faster, Retain Longer

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About The Course

What NLP Student Workshop can do for students/ Parents/ Teachers Every child is born with unlimited Mind Power but fail to utilize it well as he/she doesn’t know how to utilize the power of subconscious mind. Mindmapping and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) can help your children become super-achiever in their studies/life. If you wish to help your children learn their syllabus ten times faster with long retention, get rid of their fear, phobia, anxiety, stress, and depression and gain turbo-charged and unstoppable confidence, NLP-Mind Mapping can do miracles for them.

Course Curriculum

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days after you enroll
  Student Memory Mastery
Available in days
days after you enroll

Your Instructor

Ram Verma
Ram Verma

Ram Verma is an author, Entrepreneur and Master NLP Mind & Wellness coach. He has a vast experience in resolving human issues such as Anxiety, Depression, psychosomatic diseases and other mental issues with the help of NLP Subconscious Reimprinting.

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